International Secondary School Reinsdorf

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Profession and study

Business-related education at the high schools and grammar schools of the SIS

All high school and grammar school students at Saxony International Schools receive insights into vocational training, the world of work and business management in addition to a comprehensive holistic and foreign language-oriented education.

Our plus for you

SIS is one of the pioneers of the high school project "Praxisberater". This cooperation project of the Saxon Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs with the Federal Employment Agency was launched in June 2013 as a support measure for individual promotion for career and study orientation. Each student receives a development plan from the practical advisor according to the results of an analysis of his or her potential, which is coordinated with the teacher, parents and, of course, the student himself or herself. In addition, the practical advisors establish and maintain contacts with companies and offer individual counseling for students and parents in grades 7 and 8.
The Subject Practice-Oriented Instruction (PU) is an additional offering at our schools and part of the mandatory schedule. Classes are held in teaching cabinets equipped with a pool of tools and machines, computer technology and high-quality work materials.

Vocational orientation in everyday school life

Our step-by-step concept for professional orientation

On our digital pinboard you can find current dates, information about trade fairs or companies in the area as well as contacts:

Für die hohe Qualität in der Berufsorientierung erhielten die Oberschulen Reinsdorf und TRIAS Elsterberg bereits das Sächsische Qualitätssiegel für Berufsorientierung und sind Mitglied im Bundesnetzwerk der Siegelschulen. Die anderen Schulen arbeiten nach demselben Konzept, was eine einheitliche Qualität erwarten lässt.


BO-Wandertag der 8IOR

Die Klasse 8 unserer Internationalen Oberschule Reinsdorf hat sich ausgesucht, zum Wandertag im Rahmen der Berufsorientierung, in das Porsche-Werk nach Leipzig zu fahren. Da die Klasse sich aber dazu auch noch praktisch ausprobieren und einen Einblick in verschiedene Ausbildungsberufe bekommen sollte, besuchten wir davor noch die Porsche Erlebniswerkstatt.


Werkstatt-Tage der 8IOR im BSW Werdau

In der ersten Märzwoche war unsere 8. Klasse der Internationalen Oberschule Reinsdorf zu Gast im BSW – Bildungszentrum Werdau. Fünf Tage lang hatten sie hier die Möglichkeit sich in verschiedenen Berufsfeldern praktisch auszuprobieren.


Besuch der 8 IOR im BIZ in Zwickau

Am 29.01.2024 ging es nach vier Stunden Unterricht in der Schule, mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln ins BIZ nach Zwickau.
Im Rahmen der beruflichen Orientierung an unserer Internationalen Oberschule Reinsdorf, fahren die Schüler und Schülerinnen in der Klasse 8 ins BIZ.


Treffen der Handwerksberufe

Bereits das 3. Schuljahr in Folge haben wir Firmen, unter einem bestimmten Motto, an unsere Schule eingeladen. In diesem Jahr kamen vier Firmen zum „Treffen der Handwerksberufe“.


Practice-oriented teaching

In the practice-oriented lessons (PU) as well as in connection with TC/computer science/WTH, we teach the students a variety of basic skills and abilities, e.g.

  • diverse projects in metal, wood, plastic, textile processing,
  • in the area of robot programming, learning is done on models, circuits are made and programming is tested,
  • NC programming on an NC milling machine,
  • Design and construction of bodies, scanning of parts with professional software and their redesign or new developments including the production of certain parts by means of 3D printer,
  • Technical drawing both via PC and by hand,
  • Learning how to calculate the manufacturing costs of parts, effective design of production costs with different assembly variants (nest production),
  • T/C technology and PU are interlinked,
  • the Office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) is linked to ten-finger typing.


From grade 7 onwards, the subject Business, Technology, Household and Social Affairs (WTH/S) is dedicated to preparing students to work in an activity-oriented manner and aims to give them a targeted start to a successful professional life. In addition to systematic preparation for student internships, our teaching staff focuses on business-related instruction and practical learning methods.

Cross-curricular with the practice-oriented lessons (PU), the students are experimentally introduced to the construction of production lines or production planning. The development of an own product and its marketing are also in the focus, for example in the 8th grade. In addition to expert discussions in the school by representatives of various professions, it is very important to us to get to know the economy and businesses outside the school, directly on site in various companies.

Even in the higher grades, the vocational orientation is playfully linked with practical preparation for the first household of one's own. Projects on electrical installations are carried out under the guise of getting to know the relevant professions, as well as learning-by-doing at schools, according to the motto "Helping people to help themselves". Due to the bilingual part of the lessons, both the economic and the technical English are trained at the same time.


Responsible for career and study orientation at the IOR:

Mrs. Karin Irmisch

Our contact person at the employment agency

Vocational counselor
Ms. Annett Walther

Visitor address:
Berufsinformationszentrum Zwickau
Werdauer Straße 18
08056 Zwickau
Phone: 0375 3141820

Click here to go to the website of the Employment agency.

Our practical advisor for career orientation

Ms. Susann Pade
Ms. Pade can be found with us in the main building on the 3rd floor in room HG_29.

Phone: 0175 1871343

What does a practice consultant do?

Together with the vocational counseling service of the Employment Agency, practical counselors accompany the career orientation processes of students in grades seven and eight and help them develop initial career ideas and try out practical skills, as well as make their career choice competencies visible and strengthen them. Participation in the project is voluntary for all students. The Potential analysis and the subsequent support measures follow a strengths-based approach. Parents give their written consent in advance and are involved in the career orientation process of their children by the practical advisors.


The project Praxisberatung an Schulen is funded by:

Language diversity

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