Each 5th and 6th grade student visits a company for a few hours over three days with a special research assignment provided by the school. The result is to be a presentation and a wall newspaper for the company. In addition, the students present their practical experience in class and at the parents' evening.
In these classes, practice-oriented instruction provides the first fundamental insights into practical work procedures, development and production processes, and the economic contexts of various occupational groups.
In these grades, vocational orientation block weeks are combined with activities in the companies in a class network at vocational schools and educational institutions that provide training in many occupational fields. The results and experiences are evaluated and discussed in the class and school network. An analysis of potential, counseling sessions, work with the career choice passport, excursions, visits to the BIZ and education fairs complement this spectrum.
The students are also encouraged to attend the "Week of Open Companies" and "Girls Day/Boys Day" events and to complete internships during the vacations. The idea behind this is that every opportunity to learn about professions and companies advances the decision-making process on one's own career choice.
In the 9th and 10th grades, the program includes 14-day specialized internships geared to the students' inclinations and interests. Job application training, assessment centers and company presentations, as well as thematic parents' evenings and SIS education fairs supplement the career orientation offerings. And, of course, our students from grade 9 onward also visit various vocational schools and companies on their open days.