International Secondary School Reinsdorf

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Potential analysis of the 7IOR

On Tuesday and Wednesday before the fall break, it was time. The students of the 7th grade took part in their potential analysis (PA). The PA is the starting point for the individual professional orientation and serves to show the students their strengths.

Competencies are observed that cannot be reflected in school grades, but nevertheless reflect important skills for later working life.

Already on Friday of the previous week, all students took part in the computer-based test. Here they were already able to demonstrate their skills of concentration, spatial awareness and deductive reasoning.

For the four group and three individual tasks, the class was divided into small groups of 3 to 4 young people. While they worked on the given tasks, they were observed by practical advisors. The observers looked here, for example, at communication skills, planning ability, working speed or fine motor skills.

For one day, the students were able to try their hand at various tasks. They were able to be creative when building a figure out of wire and Styrofoam balls. In their search for David's profession, they had to connect various clues and then come up with the result together. When building a picture frame out of paper or making a ship in a bottle, the students showed their skills in individual work.

At the end of the day, they had to assess themselves. The young people reflected on what they had experienced and assessed their competencies as they saw themselves.

After the results were evaluated by the practical advisor, the students were told about their strengths in a personal interview. By means of the potential analysis procedure "Profil AC Sachsen" not only the strengths of the young people are determined, but they also learn about occupational fields that would fit their skills. This is the first link between the students' skills and an occupational field in which these skills can be used.

The individual meetings are then followed by development plan meetings with the parents and the young people together. Of course, the parents are also informed of the results in this meeting.

The foundation has now been laid for the students' path toward professional orientation.

Susann Pade - Practice Consultant

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